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Tips For Your Smart Suraksha

New Delhi: Health & Safety

New Delhi is a fairly safe place to visit, but travelers to the area should be aware of certain situations and take a few precautions.

New Delhi is a big city with a population of over 12 million. Therefore it has crime issues that go along with being a city of such size.  Petty theft does occur and travelers should practice caution.

For Individual:-

1. Walk purposefully, stand tall, and make eye contact with people around you.

For Females:-
  • If You are Attacked:
2. Keep assessing the situation as it is happening. If one strategy doesn’t work, try another. Possible options include negotiating, stalling for time, distracting the assailant and fleeing to a safe place, verbal assertiveness, screaming, and physical resistance.

3. You may be able to turn the attacker off with unusual behavior such as throwing up, acting crazy, or stating you have a sexually transmitted disease.
  • After Sexual Assault:
4. The sooner you report the crime, the greater the chances your attacker will be caught.

5. DO NOT shower, bathe, douche, or destroy any clothing you were wearing. Do not disturb any physical evidence.

For Vendors:-

6. Be watchful and report any suspicious activity around you.

For Vendors:- For Rickshaw Pullers and Taxi/TSR drivers:-

7. Check thoroughly you taxi/auto/rickshaw, including under-carriage and ensure that the passenger do not leave any bag or article.

For Landlords, Property Dealers, Car Dealer or Guest House Owners:-

8. Insist on identification documents before booking a room for the guest. Install CCTV cameras and report about suspicious guest to the police.

9. Satisfy yourself about the antecedents of both parties, particularly the buyer before finalizing the deal and insist on identification documents, photocopies of which should be retained.

For Vendors:-

10. REPORT TO THE POLICE ON TEL. NO. 100 or 1090 about suspicious & unclaimed objects like hand bags, packets, bicycles & toys etc. Suspicious person in your vicinity.

It is always better to keep some tips ready in your head so that you, even as an impulse reaction, do the right thing and end up safe. Smart Suraksha App is one such application for Android phones which at the touch of a single button sends your message of help to five pre-chosen contacts on your phone. Another great feature of this app being that along with your message, it also fetches and sends your location to the chosen contacts even if the GPS setting on your phone is switched off. This ensures that at all times you are reachable to your close ones and that your safety is ensured. 

I am sharing my Smart Suraksha Tips at in association with Smart Suraksha App.


Arvind Passey said…
A rather clinical list... nice.

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey said…
A rather clinical list of DOs and DON'ts... nice. :)

Arvind Passey
Jatin Israni said…
Thanks a lot Sirjee :)

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