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Showing posts from February 12, 2017

Time to #BringCleanAirBackHome with Blueair

Health is a state of physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of diseases. Health is our  True wealth, which most of us choose to ignore it. But with the environmental changes, it's an alarm to look into it now. As with pollution increasing, which is doing bad to our body, we need to correct our health, in ways of our lifestyle, our eating etc. "Health" is a broad term which can be affected by various factors which include any medical condition, lifestyle, erratic eating patterns, or affected by an environmental pollutant, poisonous gases etc.  Any kind of pollution eg. Soil, water, air pollution can directly or indirectly affect the health status of an individual.  Pollution created in any form is usually man made and can be categorised as indoor and outdoor pollution.  Inefficient cooking or heating practice can lead to air pollution or unhygienic cooking practices along with incorrect storage and packaging technique can also lea...